Today is March 25, 2025 /

Aid for Ukraine

As we watch the events unfolding in Ukraine, there are ways to donate in support of Ukrainians and Ukrainian Jews.  In the meantime it is taking many organizations to provide various kinds of relief such as food, housing, clothing, blankets, and medicine. The elderly and isolated who are not leaving need reassurance that they will not be forgotten. The myriad of agencies at work is miraculous, the strength of their commitment is inspiring.

Please be a partner in their efforts – donations in any amount can help. The fastest way to get your money where it is needed is to donate online directly to any of the addresses below, or send your check made out to First Hebrew and write Discretionary Fund Ukraine in the memo to 1821 Main St, Peekskill NY 10566. Every donation counts! – collects and distributes funds among many agencies is sending medical supplies

or any other agency that you choose to support.

KOL YISRAEL AREVIM ZEH BA ZEH – All Jews are connected to each other. 

May the country and citizens of Ukraine once again know peace and security.