Today is March 25, 2025 /

Our Community

Our First Hebrew family takes pride in the work we do to support our local community and its citizens.

Our Social Action Committee cooks monthly meals for the Salvation Army lunch program. This enduring project feeds between 80 and 100 guests each month. During the pandemic, we have supported this important program through generous donations from our community members.  The SA Committee organizes educational programming. Relevant social issues such as gun control, suicide and drug abuse are tackled and speakers are invited to speak and lead discussions for our FHC members and Peekskill neighbors.

The Sisterhood collects non-perishables for Fred’s Pantry and for the Jan Peek Homeless Shelter, while FHC volunteers take turns dropping off the fresh leftovers from a variety of synagogue events to the shelter as well. Again, generous financial donations from our members have allowed us to continue to support those in need in our local community.  Our congregants have organized coat collections and giveaways; many of us serve meals during the Holidays. We visit the elderly and sick under the guidance of our Bikur Holim Committee and often bring holiday meals to the home-bound or seniors in nursing homes whose families don’t live in the area.

Our congregation is a part of the non-denominational Peekskill Area Pastor’s Association (PAPA) which further enables us to engage in education and social justice activities across our local community.  In 2014 PAPA established “The Garden of Hope” in Yorktown. Thousands of pounds of produce have been grown in the donated field near Wilkens Fruit Farm in Yorktown, and each pound has been given to local food pantries, soup kitchens and homeless shelters.

For photos of our past events, visit our Facebook Page.

Click to read an article about the Garden of Hope.