Today is March 28, 2025 /

Religious Services

SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES Our fully egalitarian Shabbat Morning services begin at 10 AM every Saturday morning. The service includes a triennial cycle Torah reading. Rabbi Dana and lay leaders share various parts of the service with the goal of an inclusive and engaging experience. Following the conclusion of the service, we share Kiddush which is prepared by our Kitchen committee on behalf of sponsors.

SHABBAT EVENING SERVICES turn Friday night into Shabbat as we enter sacred time with songs, Kabbalat Shabbat, and stories.  From September through May, the service is held twice a month on Zoom only. It includes Kiddush and Motzi and concludes with Mourner’s Kaddish.

RIVERFRONT SERVICES are held twice a month on Friday evenings throughout the summer months.  Start times change according to candle lighting.  We meet at the north end of Riverfront Green Park in Peekskill.  Walking directions and full details are listed in the website announcements.

WEEKLY THURSDAY MORNING MINYAN is held at 9 a.m. This is a complete traditional egalitarian morning service with a short Torah reading. Need a little help navigating a weekday service? New to wearing a tallit? Considering wearing tefillin? No worries! We will help you acclimate. Women and men are encouraged to participate. Everyone is welcome.

Our weekday Thursday morning minyan and Saturday morning Shabbat services are being held as hybrid services with both in-person and Zoom options. In order for certain parts of the service to take place, we must have at least a minyan.  In our hybrid format, at least six of the minyan must be present in person.  Mourner’s Kaddish is included in each service.

We use multiple siddurim (prayer books) to meet the needs and interests of our diverse community.  On Thursday mornings, we use the Artscroll Siddur and Siddur Sim Shalom as these have the weekday morning service.  On Friday evenings, our primary siddur is Eit Ratzon. On Saturday mornings, it is Siddur Lev Shalem.   Of course, you are welcome to use any Siddur that you prefer.

Please check the calendar page for updates.